Industrial and Management Systems Engineering Program Assessment Based on the New ABET Student Outcomes


  • Ali Allahverdi Kuwait University
  • Jawad S. A. Alhashemi
  • Kanti Ranjan Sarkar



ABET, assessment, accreditation, industrial engineering program, student outcomes


The quality of engineering education has been improved by the accreditation criteria established by credentialing agencies. As a result, the Industrial and Management Systems Engineering program at Kuwait University has been maintaining accreditation by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology for over 15 years. Since the assessment process needs to be thorough and simple at the same time, this paper explains how the Industrial and Management Systems Engineering program at Kuwait University designed and implemented an efficient and effective process for the establishment and assessment of the new Student Outcomes required by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. All the seven new Student Outcomes specified by Criterion 3 of the accreditation requirements are shown to be satisfied by using four different assessment tools, two of which are direct and the other two are indirect. All the results have been statistically verified by using hypothesis testing with a significance level of 0.01. The paper presents a simple and practical assessment method which can be used by other engineering programs that are in the process of implementing the new Student Outcomes.  




How to Cite

Allahverdi, A., Alhashemi, J. S. A. ., & Sarkar, K. R. . (2021). Industrial and Management Systems Engineering Program Assessment Based on the New ABET Student Outcomes. Asean Journal of Engineering Education, 5(1), 1–8.