Understanding and Correlating of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I and Process Heat Transfer through Integrated Project


  • Shafirah Samsuri Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
  • Shuhaimi Mahadzir
  • Wan Nur Aisyah Wan Osman




The development of engineering education plays a significant role in creating a competency base for engineering students to be excellent in engineering practice as well as other professional skills such as communication, teamwork and leadership. Project-Based Learning via Integrated Project entitled Heat Recovery from Ammonia Synthesis Reactor for Power Generation was introduced as a new learning approach for First Year First Semester Chemical Engineering student to replace the conventional learning approach via lecture. This integrated project is a hybrid of two core Chemical Engineering subjects for First Year students: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I and Process Heat Transfer. This integrated project aims to evaluate students' ability to relate two different subjects when learning in the same semester and apply them to the same application. This integrated project is expected to enhance students' learning curve and ensure that the output of this study can be achieved in a consistent effort and timely manner. Assessments in the form of formative (reflection and peer review) and summative (final report) are applied to the students via individual and group. Based on the reflection's analysis, 50% of the students mentioned that the project is very challenging; meanwhile, only 30% agreed that they could relate the project with both subjects even though it is complex and challenging. Despite that, 70% of the students stated that their learning goal is achievable. They were able to view the industrial application, especially the heat exchanger application, through this project. Overall, 90% agreed that they achieved this integrated project's objectives: to relate two different subjects when learning in the same semester and apply them to the same application. Hence, it is noteworthy to highlight that this integrated project is carefully mapped. The new learning approach via Project-Based Learning brought positive outcome towards the students' learning experiences, skills and understanding.




How to Cite

Samsuri, S., Mahadzir, S. ., & Wan Osman, W. N. A. (2021). Understanding and Correlating of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I and Process Heat Transfer through Integrated Project. Asean Journal of Engineering Education, 5(1), 9–16. https://doi.org/10.11113/ajee2021.5n1.51